Quantity :1

Title: Standards of practice to guide ecosystem restoration: A contribution to the United Nations decade on ecosystem restoration 2021–2030

Author : Nelson, C.R.; Hallett, J.G.; Romero Montoya, A.E.; Andrade, A.; Besacier, C.; Boerger, V.; Bouazza, K.; Chazdon, R.; Cohen-Shacham, E.; Danano, D.; Diederichsen, A.; Fernandez, Y.; Gann, G.D.; Gonzales, E.K.; Gruca, M.; Guariguata, M.R.; Gutierrez, V.; Ha


ecosystem management; ecological restoration; risk assessment; biodiversity; data collection; data management; guidelines

Material : weblinks

Publisher : FAO; SER and Gland; IUCN CEM

Publication Date : 2024

Internet Resource: https://doi.org/10.4060/cc9106en




Tags (weblinks)

ISBN number: 978-92-5-138471-8


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