Quantity :1

Title: In turbulent seas: The status of Philippine marine fisheries.

Author : DA-BFAR (Department of Agriculture - Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources)

Includes paper of M.A. Campos - Bioeconomic modeling of fisheries policies in Lamon Bay, Philippines


marine fisheries pelagic fisheries demersal fisheries blue crab aquarium fish trade coral reef fisheries capture fisheries mangrove resources seagrass water quality protected areas fishing boats fish processing poverty women tropical coastal fisheries fisheries management local government tuna industry information management systems licensing system artificial reefs ecotourism poaching integrated coastal management bioeconomic modeling overexploitation policies fish resource assessment Lingayen Gulf San Miguel Bay Lamon Bay Honda Bay Visayan Sea Panguil Bay Gingoog Bay Davao Gulf Philippines

Material : book

Publisher : Coastal Resource Management Project of DENR,

Publication Date : 2004




SEARCA Library


Tags (book)

ISBN number: 971-92753-4-0


Currently Unavailable