Quantity :1

Title: Voices from the forest: Integrating indigenous knowledge into sustainable upland farming


traditional farming shifting cultivation sustainable agriculture fallow lands indigenous peoples forest degradation forest conservation crop rotations agroforests property rights imperata grasslands Chromolaena odorata Austroeupatorium inulaefolium Piper aduncum Tecoma stans Mimosa invisa Mimosa diplotricha Phaseolus calcaratus Leucaena leucocephala Sesbania grandiflora Alnus nepalensis Melia azedarach Gmelina arborea teak production Cunninghamia lanceolata bamboo paper mulberry tree diversity soil fertility forest management rubber plantations rattan tea Swidden agriculture land allocation community-based natural resource management

Material : book

Publisher : Resources for the Future,

Publication Date : 2007




SEARCA Library


Tags (book)

ISBN number: 978-1-891853-91-3


Currently Unavailable