Quantity :1

Title: Rice IPM : An Interactive Information and Identification System for Integrated Pest Management of Rice.

A team of scientists throughout the Asia-Pacific region have worked together to develop this product, aimed at providing you with key information on integrated pest management (IPM) in rice. RiceIPM contains detailed information on a range of topics, such as pest ecology, crop checking and fact sheets on insect pests and beneficials, diseases and weeds. It also provides you with a series of tools, such as identification keys for insects, and a calculation package to help you to assess the costs and benefits of IPM options.


rice statistics and rice evolution integrated pest management (IPM) pest ecology crop growth and checking pest damage rice and weeds insects and pests farmers rice diseases

Material : cd

Publisher : IRRI, CPITT,The University of Queensland,

Publication Date : 2001


Rice - 2001 - 2

SEARCA Library


Tags (cd)


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