Quantity :1

Title: Singapore National Bibliography.

The Singapore National Bibliography (SNB) aims to list as far as possible, all works that are published or produced in the Republic of Singapore acquired through Legal Deposit, donation or purchase. All works that are published or produced in Singapore, are required to be deposited with the National Library Board, Singapore under Section 10 of the NAtional Library Board Act 1995 (No. 5 of 1995). The SNB CD-ROM provides a record of Singapore's publishing activities and is an important source of information on the heritage of Singapore, reflecting its past and present cultural and social heritage for the present and future generations. Two issues of the bibliography are produced each year.


Singapore national bibliography national library board bibliographic information and database publications catalogue social and cultural heritage

Material : cd

Publisher : National Library Board Singapore,

Publication Date : 2003-2008

ISSN : 0218-6454



SEARCA Library


Tags (cd)


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