Quantity :1

Title: SEAMEO TROPMED Network Office : Summary of Accomplishment 2005-2006.

SEAMEO TROPMED Network Office Highlights of Accomplishments for 2005-2006, a total number of 24 scholars in the regular programs offered by the network; supported participation of three fellows ( 1 from Cambodia; 2 from Lao PDR) to the 4th Southeast Asian Nutrition Leadership Program organized by TROPMED/ Indonesia, November-December 2005; organized study visits; provision of expert services and technical support; access to markets through publications; collaborative workshops; paper presentation; participation in regional and international fora and conferences; collaboration with WHO Centre for Health Development, Kobe; and SEAMEO TROPMED GTZ Backup regional project.


SEAMEO TROPMED tropical medicine public health

Material : cd


Publication Date : 2005-2006


S - TROP - 2006 - 6

SEARCA Library


Tags (cd)


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