Quantity :1

Title: PCARRD Annual Report, 2006.

Multiple strategies were employed to achieve specific objectives. These include R&D network management and governance, pushing for network capability development and enhancement, organizational improvements and innovation, resource generation and linkages, publication and public awareness, and S&T information systems. Throughout 2006, ensuring the research to development continuum and accelerating the transfer of technologies generated from publicly funded research to enterprising individuals and groups strengthened the Council’s resolve of pushing AFNR at the forefront for greater impact and for the nation’s progress. These accomplishments are deeply rooted in the Council’s mission, vision, and goals that are guided by the Millennium Development Goals and anchored on the Department of Science and Technology’s four Major Final Outputs or MFOs: 1) the diffusion of knowledge and technology, 2) generation of knowledge and technology, 3) S&T human resource development, and, 4) S&T services.


science and technology academic scholarship research and development crops and agricultural resource management agriculture forestry environment livestock socioeconomics natural resources and environment

Material : cd

Publisher : PCARRD,

Publication Date : 2006

ISSN : 0016-9483


AR - PCAR - 2006 - 2

SEARCA Library


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