Quantity :1

Title: SEAMEO BIOTROP : Centre Director Report, 2005.

The SEAMEO BIOTROP Seventh Five-Year Master Plan (2002-2007) is now on its third year of implementation. This year marked better quality programs, stronger collaboration with national and international funding agencies, stronger financial standing as a result of more aggressive marketing strategies, and better and more efficient service to its clients as a result of upgrading the status of its staff, both in terms of capacity and benefits. Stronger marketing strategies have resulted to more programmes and activities accomplished for the year under review. For the year under review, SEAMEO BIOTROP has achieved a considerable amount of recognition with the widespread information dissemination of its activities. It has also achieved a remarkable level of standard as it achieved the ISO 17025. How to maintain the standard so far achieved and how to prolong the recognition established is a major concern of SEAMEO BIOTROP. Faced with the ever-increasing competition for funding from similar research institutions and the universities, and the decreasing allocation of funds from donors for research and training, the Centre is left with the present level of staff and facilities to make do with.


SEAMEO BIOTROP directors report tropical biology ISO 17025 research institution and researches educational institution

Material : cd


Publication Date : 2005


S - BIOT - 2005 - 3

SEARCA Library


Tags (cd)


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