Quantity :1

Title: 7th SEAMEO INNOTECH International Conference.

INNOTECH training program covers a wide spectrum of educational human resource development concerns in the SEAMEO region. We design our training courses to enhance skills in identifying courses to enhance skills in identifying educational problems, developing feasible and effective solutions to these problems and implementing them. The information and technology program performs a dual role vis-à-vis the program areas of the Center. On one level, it serves to support the technology thrusts of the Center to fulfill its research and training functions. At the same time, development of educational materials, dissemination of research outputs and provision of information and technology services remain to essential functional areas of the program. Its research and evaluation program addresses the common rallying points of SEAMEO member countries in education, namely: access, equity and quality. Our projects proceed from clearly articulated problems, geared towards making model solutions that can be adapted across the region.


education educational human resource development information and technology program researches and training program SEAMEO INNOTECH

Material : cd


Publication Date : 2000


S - INNO - 2000 - 1

SEARCA Library


Tags (cd)


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