Quantity :1

Title: Orientation to SEAMEO VOCTECH : Multimedia Presentation 1996-1998 and Annual Report Presentation 1997-1998.

The fiscal year 1997 / 98 was a year of aggressive marketing of all VOCTECH's income-generating activities. The efforts placed by the Centre's Management and staff resulted in an increase in training programmes conducted and participants, majority being fee-paying. 40 training programmes conducted, a total of 2047 participants, an increase of 140.5 % from 96/97, 1075, or 52.5% of them were fee-paying participants. To ensure quality programmes, the Centre engaged 32 reputable international and local consultants and resource persons. To enhance research in the Centre, a collaborative research project entitled "A Study on the Existing Practices of Certification and Accreditation Systems in VTET in SEAMEO Member Countries" was undertaken and is still on-going. All efforts are directed to increasing the Unallocated Fund i.e increasing fee-paying activities: VIH occupancy rate, customised programmes / fee-paying participants, rental of facilities and services. The Centre is also aggressively strengthening research through collaborations with other reputable research organisations and publications like the VOCTECH journal.


SEAMEO VOCTECH catalyst clearing house innovator resource centre vocational and technical education training research and development

Material : cd


Publication Date : 1997-1998


S - VOCT - 1998 - 1

SEARCA Library


Tags (cd)


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