Quantity :1

Title: Preparing for the Future : Rethinking Higher Agriculture Education and Environment in the Asia Pacific.

The papers reproduced in this volume respond to the 3rd conference theme "Preparing for the Future: Rethinking Higher Agriculture Education and Environment in the Asia-Pacific".Green Productivity Initiatives in the Philippines set the tone and put into context the discussions that followed during the conference. These papers opened the doors for a lively exchange of ideas on directions and models in agriculture and environment education in the context of changing global environment that includes climate change. Some coping mechanisms such as green productivity initiatives offered participants ideas on dealing with change. The parallel sessions also offered a rich collection of good practices in education for agriculture and environment, particularly in the areas of Technology Sharing (five papers); Sustainable Agriculture, Climate Change and Environment (eight papers); and Education for Agriculture and Development (fourteen papers). Good education practices were shared among the participants based on experiences documented from 12 countries represented at the conference. The poster presentations which are also included in these proceedings were presented at the conference in poster and virtual forms showcasing effective instructional media for educating young and older learners in agriculture and environment.


SEAMEO SEARCA FAO RAP APEAEN sustainable agriculture higher education global environment education practice climate change and green productivity technology sharing

Material : cd


Publication Date : 2008


S - SEAR - 2008 - 2

SEARCA Library


Tags (cd)


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