Quantity :1

Title: Natural Resource Governance : Trainer's Manual.

The overall goal of training in natural resource governance is to improve the capacity of stakeholders to ensure the sustainability of natural resources as well as the livelihoods of people dependent on those resources. To achieve this goal, practitioners in organizations and agencies, who are responsible for making and implementing decisions that affect natural resources and natural resource users, need to understand the basic concepts of governance and have a simple framework to apply them in their day-to-day work. Ideally, communities too would be given the opportunity to learn what governance means, how it affects their daily lives, and how they can make the components and principles of governance work for them.


capacity stakeholder sustainability natural resources livelihood

Material : cd

Publisher : IUCN, RECOFTC, SNV,

Publication Date : 2011


Natur - 2011

SEARCA Library


Tags (cd)


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