Quantity :1

Title: SEAMEO QITEP in Science Annual Report 2011-2012.

SEAMEO Regional Centre for QITEP in Science is the SEAMEO Centre focusing on improving the science ompetences and quality of science teachers and educational personnel throughout the Southeast Asia region. Fiscal Year (FY) 2011/2012 is the third year in which SEAMEO QITEP in Science operates under the first Five-Year Development Plan (5YDP). This executive summary highlights the centre progress in three Key Result Areas (KRAs) including egional Leadership, Regional Visibility, and Solid Resource Base.


SEAMEO QITEP quality improvement of teachers educational personnel science teachers environmental education earth and space science science laboratory management ICT-base science learning capacity building networking

Material : cd

Publisher : SEAMEO QITEP,

Publication Date : 2011-2012


S - QITE 2012

SEARCA Library


Tags (cd)


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