Quantity :1

Title: SEAMEO Status of ICT Report.

This report on the status of ICT integration in education in Southeast Asia is based on the results of this survey and presents a holistic picture of the status of ICT integration in education in the 11 SEAMEO Member Countries: namely Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Timor Leste and Vietnam. The report identifi es strengths and examines how each country integrates ICT in their educational system. Moreover, the report contains best practices and lessons learnt which can serve as a reference in policy formulation, development, and implementation of activities related to integrating ICT in teaching and learning, and even in administrative-related matters. Particularly, in the last chapter, the report provides a summary of SEAMEO Regional Centres’ strengths and initiatives on ICT integration in education and the capacity with which the SEAMEO Regional Centres can provide assistance to the SEAMEO Member Countries on ICT integration.


Information and Communications Technology ICT integration ICT in Education

Material : cd

Publisher : SEAMEO,

Publication Date : October 2010


S - SEAME - 2010 - 1

SEARCA Library


Tags (cd)

ISBN number: 978-616-90041-1-0


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