List of Biotech materials : 812

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
10960 Questions and answers about genetically modified crops : A pocketful of information genetically modified : GM genetic engineering gene DNA biotechnology transgene genome biotech pocket k

11274 Questions and answers on rice technology. biotechnology rice biotechnology genetic engineering genetically modified organisms National Committee on Biosafety of the Philippines : NCBP biosafety Bt corn biotech

10777 Regional conference on agricultural biotechnology proceedings: Biotechnology research and policy: needs and priorities in the context of southeast asia's agricultural objectives biotechnology biodiversity sustainable agriculture biosafety technology transfer intellectual property rights biotech

11315 Regional consultative meeting: Assessment of the role of agricultural science and technology in reducing hunger, improving rural livelihoods and stimulating environmentally and socially sustainable economic growth. biotechnology degradation biodiversity food processing crop diversification global ecosystems science and technology : S&T rural poverty appropriate technologies public-private partnerships intellectual property rights technology transfer rural livelihood environment sustainable agriculture food security poverty alleviation capacity building policy risk assessment international assessment biotech

10780 Regional development in agricultural biotechnology: capacity building in the 21st century. agricultural biotechnology capacity building biotechnology plant biotechnology genetic engineering intellectual property rights transgenic crops biosafety papaya Asia

Sutat Sriwatanapongse


10771 Regional information dissemination on biosafety. biotechnology genetically modified plants capacity building networking SEA socio-economic technological environmental sustainable agriculture information needs

Tababa, Sonny P.


11179 Regional Symposium on Genetically modified foods: benefits and awareness. food biotechnology genetically modified foods genetics safety assessment transgenic crops food security DNA Bacillus thuringiensis : Bt biotech

10859 Regulating the products of biotechnology. biotechnology genetically modified plants environmental safety human health pest resistance Bacillus thuringiensis food safety herbicide tolerance transgenic plants risk assessment

McCammon, Sally L.


11264 Regulating transgenic plants: the experience of USDA and assessment for release in centers of origin. transgenic squash policy biotechnology risk assessment regulations food safety environmental safety

Payne, John


11191 Regulation and labeling of genetically modified foods in North America. biotechnology genetically engineered genetically modified foods food safety genetic engineering allergenicity

Neumann, David A.
