ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
10887 | Sharing information for a better tomorrow. | transgenic crops technology transfer food security genetic engineering crop biotechnology global knowledge genetically modified | James, Clive |
biotech | crop biotech brief, vol. i, no. 1, january 2001 |
11489 | Sharing knowledge on biotech : A how-to guide | biotechnology media academics health care non-government organizations food industry feed industry consumers | Watson, Lisa |
biotech |
11346 | Sim Cuyson: Making a difference in promoting safe and responsible agricultural technology. | saline tolerance, drought tolerance, cholesterol, reservatrol, lettuce, trans fatty acid, vitamine E, cookings oils, beta-carotene, rice, lycopene, tomatoes, biotech crops, organic farming, biotechnology generators, agrochemicals, environmental science, chemicals, agricultural technology, agriculture, biotechnology, Sim Cuyson, Crop Protection Association of the Philippines : CPAP, integrated pest management, science industry, herbicides, global, transgenic crops, DNA, rabies vaccine production, | Paredes, Joel C. |
biotech | biolife: a quarterly magazine on biotechnology |
10981 | Slaying the myth on low organic yield. | genetically modified organisms : GMO biotechnology food production policies food safety pesticides | Liebhardt, Bill |
biotech | organic matters |
10766 | Socio-economic implications of agricultural biotechnology. | biotechnology economic factors technical factors political factors intellectual property rights plant breeding technology transfer globalization Indonesia | biotech |
11115 | Sorting out the facts about fat. | fatty acid carbohydrates protein triglyceride cholesterol hydrogenation trans fats omega-3 omega-6 | biotech | ific review |
11127 | Spotlight on fructose: Reprinted from Food Insight, Jan/Feb 1995. | diabetes sucrose fructose high-fructose syrup : HFS saccharin | biotech |
10762 | Status and perspectives on biosafety aspects of living modified organisms in the Philippines. | biotechnology Philippines biosafety environmental risks biological diversity nitrogen fixation genetically modified organisms DNA cartagena protocol transgenic crops | de Leon, Josefina L.; Dano, Elenita C. |
biotech |
11277 | Status of agricultural biotechnology research and policy in Indonesia. | biotechnology policy Indonesia transgenic crops livestock production poultry production biosafety genetic engineering food safety capacity building | Slamet-Loedin, Inez H. |
biotech |
10840 | Status of papaya industry and papaya R&D in the Philippines. | papaya papaya ringspot virus ACIAR SEA biotechnology anthrachnose anntisense technology | Villegas, Violeta N. |
biotech | isaaa briefs no. 11 |