List of Biotech materials : 812

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
11053 Modern biotechnology : Current and potential trends and benefits. biotechnology DNA technology food safety biosafety intellectual property rights : IPR risk management

Tecson-Mendoza, Evelyn Mae


11324 Modern biotechnology and 'People Power'. modern biotechnology biotechnology

Ilaga, Alice

biotech biolife: a quarterly magazine on biotechnology

11295 Modern biotechnology in the Philippines: Public awareness attitudes and concerns. biotechnology genetically modified : GM policy Philippines food safety biosafety risk assessment

Tecson-Mendoza, Evelyn Mae


11093 Modern food biotechnology : Principles and perspective Principles and perspective / biotechnology agri-food industry sustainable agriculture plant breeding conventional farming organic farming food security pesticides intellectual property rights genetics genetic engineering allergenicity biotech

10750 Modernization of Philippine agriculture: crops biotechnology R&D. crops biotechnology transgenic crops Indonesia Malaysia Thailand Vietnam coconut genetic engineering mango papaya

Escaño, Crisanto R.

biotech pcarrd summary of proceedings no. 7

11279 Molecular biotechnology : The appropriate tools to optimally utilize our megabiodiversity. biotechnology biodiversity genetics agrobacterium gene transfer golden rice biosafety

Antonius Suwanto


11466 Molecular breeding and marker-assisted selection biotechnology marker-assisted selection : MAS DNA chromosomes backcrossess gene phenotypes molecular genetic markers genetic linkage map tomato breeding pathogen resistance biotech pocket k

10896 Monitoring of potential insect vectors of papaya ringspot virus (PRSV) in two areas in Bay, Laguna. papaya aphids vectors papaya ringspot virus PRSV

Rabara, Roel C.; Sumalde, Augusto C.; Villegas, Violeta N.

biotech the philippine journal of crop science

11205 Monsanto backs off "terminator" seed. biotechnology Monsanto genetically engineered foods herbicide resistance

Feder, Barnaby J.


11016 Moral imperative of biotechnology : Third world countries to suffer from farm science ban. biotechnology genetically modified crops organic farming organic agriculture food safety

Avery, Dennis T.

biotech business world