ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
10787 | IPR in Southeast Asian biotechnology. | intellectual property rights biotechnology plant variety protection technology transfer SEA | Erbisch, Frederic H. |
biotech |
10878 | IPRs at UPLB practices, issues and concerns. | intellectual property rights patents intellectual property code biotechnological products policy Philippines biofertilizers inventions | Hautea, Randy A. |
biotech | psp seminar monograph no. 09-03 |
11341 | IPs embrace science. | indigenous people : IPs Mindanao culture health medicine fisheries agriculture information exchange inorganic fertilizer food security farm yield income age-old technology biotechnology GMOs | Gomez, Baby |
biotech | biolife: a quarterly magazine on biotechnology |
11132 | Iron not linked to heart disease. | iron-deficiency anemia heart disease epidemiological | biotech | reprinted from food insight, jan/feb 1995 |
11169 | Irradiation of food: scientific status summary. | food safety foodborne illness food irradiation cold pasteurization | biotech |
10955 | IRRI, 1992-1993 : Rice in crucial environments. | rice research population growth rice production food security genetic resources natural resource integrated pest management | biotech |
10956 | IRRI, 2000-2001 : Rice Research : The way forward. | rice research golden rice soil salinity biodiversity genomics green revolution pesticides | biotech |
11417 | ISAAA helping life through biotechnology. | biotechnology Dr. Mariechel Navarro technology transfer agri-biotech small-scale farmers food security sustainable agriculture factual information transgenic global environment Bt (Bacillus thuringiensis) genetically modified crops papaya ringspot virus GM papaya | Mayuga, Jonathan L. |
biotech | biolife: a bi-monthly magazine on biotechnology |
11349 | Isabela province, gaining a foothold in biotechnology. | Isabela province environmental safety information dissemination capability building biotechnology ISU Biotechnology Information Center food security poverty alleviation modern biotechnology biosafety human health SEARCA-BIC CVARRD | Galvez, Joe |
biotech | biolife: a quarterly magazine on biotechnology |
10910 | Isolation and preliminary genetic chacterization of tomato cotyledon mutants. | tomato mutagenesis embryogenesis poc mutants dem mutant | Arif S.A. Al-Hammdii; Sharma, R. |
biotech |