List of Biotech materials : 812

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
11083 Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) expert report on biotechnology and foods : Labeling of rDNA biotechnology-derived foods. rDNA biotechnology-derived foods food ingredients transgenic animals genetics food production biotech

11039 Institute slams bill on biotechnology. biotechnology biosafety Southeast Asia Regional Institute for Community Education PhilRice Bt corn NCBP IRRI transgenic crops Bacillus thuringiensis : Bt

Icamina, Paul

biotech manila times

11379 Integrating biotechnology in local governance. biotechnology local governance ISAAA League of Municipalities of the Philippines : LMP capacity building sustainable development biotech biolife: a bi-monthly magazine on biotechnology

10774 Integrating policy-making with risk assessment and management. biotechnology living modified organisms risk assessment risk management biosafety assessment biological diversity cartagena protocol

Effendy A. Sumardja


11469 Integrating socio-economic considerations into biosafety decisions: the role of public participation. biotechnology biosafety socio-economic genetically modified crops genetically modified organisms : GMO food safety global markets organic agriculture labor living modified organism : LMO recombinant deoxyribonucleic acid (rDNA) in-vitro nucleic acid policy-making relevance assessment sustainable livelihood social impact assessment cost-benefit analysis economic modeling IFRI Bt maize Indonesia Philippines high-yielding genetic engineering Cartagena Protocol religion culture ethics transgenic organism

Fransen, Lindsey


10754 Intellectual property rights : Ultimate control of agricultural R&D in Asia. intellectual property rights research and development green revolution hybridization biotechnology sui generis biological protection genetic golden rice sustainable agriculture biotech

10940 Intellectual property rights and agricultural biotechnology biotechnology intellectual property rights : IPR agricultural research technology transfer sui generis systems policies economic analysis plant variety rights : PVR International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants : UPOV

Blakeney, Michael; Cohen, Joel I.; Crespi, Stephen

biotech biotechnology in agriculture series, no. 23

10968 Intellectual property rights and agricultural biotechnology intellectual property rights : IPR technology transfer plant breeding patent biotechnology capacity building biotech pocket k

11123 Intense sweeteners : Effects on appetite and weight management. weight management calories aspartame obesity biotech ific review

10944 International collaboration : Intellectual property management and partner-country perspectives. technology transfer intellectual property rights : IPR biotechnology policies USAID Agricultural Biotechnology for Sustainable Productivity : ABSP biosafety genetically engineered crops capacity building

Ives, Catherine L.; Maredita, Karim M.; Erbisch, Frederic H.

biotech biotechnology in agriculture series, no. 23