List of Biotech materials : 812

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
11404 LGUs prepare for local commercial biotech products. biotechnology genetically modified crops Dr. Benigno Peczon Biotechnology Coalition of the Philippines Bt corn bio-commerce League of Municipalities of the Philippines : LMP biofuels biofertilizers GM crops bacterial leaf blight bunchy top virus banana ringspot virus papaya resistant papaya fertilizer pesticide technology transfer farm production Asian corn borer food security environment tissue culture anti-rabies lactobacillus biotech biolife: a bi-monthly magazine on biotechnology

11393 Livestock upgrading t boost farmers income in Aklan. entrepreneurs eco-business Agribusiness Development Program Aklan State University (ASU) Philippine Carabao Center (PCC) Department of Agriculture Farmers' Information and Technology Services (FITS) natural breeeding natural-farming system livestock development nutrition income genetic improvement carabao Aklan livestock food security crops poultry artificial insemination carabull american murrah buffalo bulgarian murrah buffalo

Cordero, Cleto

biotech biolife: a bi-monthly magazine on biotechnology

11033 Local scientists try to develop 'transgenic' plants. transgenic crops biotechnology genomes rDNA technology Bacillus thuringiensis : Bt National Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology : BIOTECH Institute of Plant Breeding : IPB pest management biotech today

11197 Looking up in Laos. perennial crops Laos upland rice soil fertility soil erosion land use biodiversity cropping systems agricultural research sustainable biotech rice today

11125 Low-calorie sweeteners : Adding reduced-calorie delights to a healthful diet. Adding reduced-calorie delights to a healthful diet. low-calorie sucrose aspartame acesulfame-k saccharin sucralose alitame cyclamate biotech reprinted from food insight, jan/feb 1993

10814 Maize rusts. maize Puccinia polysora

Renfro, R.

biotech isaaa briefs no. 9

10816 Maize virus and mollicutes : Interactions between the host and pathogens. maize maize rayado virus maize dwarf mosaic virus Zea mays

Kitajima, E.W.

biotech isaaa briefs no. 9

11453 Make way for embryo-cultured Makapuno. biotechnology makapuno galactomannan pharmaceuticals facial masks embryo cultured makapuno : ECM in-vitro cultured embryo coconut germplasm Philippine Coconut Authority Erlinda Rillo

Cardona, Eileen C.

biotech greenfields magazine

11423 Making agri-biotech work. biotechnology Philippine Rice Research Institute : PhilRice Dr. Leocadio Sebastian corn genetically modified crops Bacillus thuringiensis rice gene transfer biosysnthesis vitamin A fungal disease resistant stemborer ARC11554 cloning Rice Restorer of Fertility (RF) anther culture technology rice tungro virus DNA-marker bacterial leaf blight backcrossing TGMS thermo sensitive male sterile molecular marking genetic engineering geno type mapping tissue culture rice varietal improvement Golden rice Dr. Antonio Alfonso PhilRice Biotech-Intellectual Property Rights : IPR genomic information technology indigenous policy advocacy Executive Order 1061

Marquez, Carlos D. Jr.

biotech biolife: a bi-monthly magazine on biotechnology

11017 Making agricultural products globally competitive. agricultural products AFMA - RA 8435 food security PCARRD technology transfer biotechnology poverty alleviation pest management intellectual property rights : IPR policy development

Del Rosario, Beatriz P.

biotech milepost