List of Biotech materials : 812

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
10932 International collaboration in agricultural biotechnology. agricultural biotechnology capacity building technology transfer agricultural research organizations pest management CGIAR research management intellectual property rights Thailand BIOTEC

Komen, John

biotech biotechnology in agriculture series, no. 23

11220 International collaboration in agricultural biotechnology. biotechnology biodiversity technology transfer intellectual property human resource development policy information services transgenic plants capacity building

Komen, John


11232 International collaboration: intellectual property management and partner-country perspectives. agricultural biotechnology intellectual property biosafety

Ives, Catherine


11314 International comparison of regulatory frameworks for food products of biotechnology genetic engineering genetically modified food : GM food genetically modified organism : GMO novel food biotechnology Canadian Biotechnology Advisory Committee : CBAC

MacKenzie, Donald J.


11283 International seminar on biotechnology for sustainable agriculture : State of the art of research and product commercialization. biotechnology biosafety genetic agrobacterium biotech

11225 International transfer of private sector technologies: experiences and constraints. biotechnology food safety technology transfer biosafety intellectual property rights plant breeding capacity building private sector technologies socio-economic impacts policy

Hautea, Randy A.; James, Clive; Krattiger, Anatole F.


10946 Introducing transgenic crops in India : A joint venture approach. foodgrain production intellectual property rights : IPR biotechnology policies national research organizations capacity building transgenic plants India technology transfer

Mubashir, Ellora

biotech biotechnology in agriculture series, no. 23

11231 Introducing transgenic crops in India: a joint venture approach. agricultural biotechnology transgenic crops technology transfer India

Mubashir, Ellora


10876 Introduction to the industrial property system with special reference to patents. intellectual property rights patent intellectual property code technology transfer inventions utility model industrial design Philippines

Evasco, Epifanio M.

biotech psp seminar monograph no. 09-03

11201 Investing in the human genome. biotechnology biosafety genetically modified organisms : GMOs genetics human genome DNA

Fisher, Lawrence M.
