List of Biotech materials : 812

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
11030 Genetically-engineered food, dapat katakutan? biotechnology genetically engineered tissue culture genetic engineering disease resistant food processing

Palmones, Angelo

biotech kabayan

11146 Getting to the roots of a vegetarian diet : Vegetarian diets. Vegetarian diets. semi-vegetarian pesco-vegetarian lacto-ovo-vegetarian ovo-vegetarian vegan biotech reprinted from food insight, jul/aug 1994

11204 Global challenge to modified crop techniques: life science groups face lawsuits biotechnology Monsanto genetically modified organisms : GMOs bioengineering DuPont Novartis biotech

11278 Global concerns: genetically modified organisms. biotechnology, global concerns, genetically modified organisms : GMO, transgenic crops, risk assessment, risk management, biosafety, food safety, bioassay, Bt corn,

Herman, M.


11182 Global development of genetically modified food plants. biotechnology genetically modified organisms : GMOs biosafety food security global market transgenic crops

James, Clive


11300 Global experience with genetically modified crops. biotechnology genetically modified organisms : GMOs Bt maize Bt cotton transgenic crops biosafety assessment food security

Escaler, Margarita; Hautea, Randy A.; De Guzman, Panfilo


10884 Global hectarage of GM crops in 2000. genetically modified crops soybean herbicide tolerant

James, Clive

biotech crop biotech brief, vol. i, no. 2, 2001

10888 Global hectarage of GM crops in 2001. transgenic crops, herbicide tolerance, soybeans, genetically modified,

James, Clive

biotech crop biotech brief, vol. ii, no. 1

10885 Global hectarage of GM crops in 2002. genetically modified crops transgenic crops soybean herbicide tolerant Bt cotton

James, Clive

biotech crop biotech brief, vol. iii, no. 1, 2003

11077 Global knowledge center on crop biotechnology biotechnology food safety transgenic crops biotech