List of Biotech materials : 812

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
10788 Experience in the development and commercial use of agricultural biotechnology in China : country report. transgenic crops biotechnology biosafety China agricultural biotechnology

Zhangliang Chen


10866 Expert report on biotechnology and foods : Introduction. rDNA biotechnology-derived foods food ingredients animal feed genetics agrobacterium tumefaciens biotech

11136 Experts agree on key advice to reduce cancer risk. carcinogen heart disease cholesterol phytochemicals biotech reprinted from food insight, nov/dec 1997

11401 Experts tapped to boost agri-industries. biotechnology National Cluster Monitoring Team (NCMT) Department of Trade and Industry - Export Development Council (DTI-EDC) agricultural crops byproducts edible vaccines genetically-modified seedlings pharmaceutics banana tissue culture

Mayuga, Jonathan L.

biotech biolife: a bi-monthly magazine on biotechnology

10700 Extrapolating from field experiments that remove herbivores to population-level effects of herbivore resistance transgenes. transgenic crops herbivore resistant risk assessment seed production population growth anti-herbivore insecticides biotechnology

Marvier, Michelle; Kareiva, Peter


11307 Facilitating IPM strategies through information technology. biotechnology information technology integrated pest management VegePest PestDiag BJ-FarmKnow food production sustainable agriculture rural development

ZuoRui Shen


11175 Facts about Bt corn in the Philippines. Bacillus thuringiensis : Bt genetically modified crops DNA biotechnology biosafety crop production Philippines

Ebora, Reynaldo V.

biotech uplb horizon

11065 Facts about cooperation : Philippines and IRRI rice research population growth post harvest technology irrigated lowland resource ecosystems nitrogen fixation genetic conservation Asian Rice Biotechnology Network : ARBN pest management biodiversity biotech

11246 Fallow reduction in highland shifting cultivation in Nothern Thailand. shifting cultivation farming systems upland rice fallow systems BNF

Prasit Wangpakapattanawong; Thomas, D.E.

biotech soil fertility matters

11266 FAO enters biotechnology debate. biotechnology organic farming rural development food security biotech far eastern agriculture