List of Biotech materials : 812

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
10855 Energized for biotechnology. biotechnology papaya IPB Philippines plasmid coat protein transgenic virus

Valencia, Lolita

biotech isaaa briefs no. 15

11434 Energy from a tree. Jathropha curcas L. environment-friendly energy tuba-tuba biodiesel energy tree soil erosion high value crops organic fertilizer renewable energy source Department Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) Philippine Forest Corp. (PhilForest) biotech biolife: a bi-monthly magazine on biotechnology

11165 Ensuring the safety and quality of food and water: Can DNA provide the answer? : reprinted from Food Insight, Mar/Apr 1997. food safety foodborne illness DNA fingerprinting enzyme linked immunosorbant assay : ELISA nucleic acid genetics deoxyriboncleic acid : DNA ribosomal ribonucleic acid : rRNA biotech

11303 Ensuring the safety of food derived from biotechnology. biotechnology food safety genetically modified food : GMF

Fee-Chon Low


11074 Environmental safety concerns : the case of Bt crops. biotechnology Bacillus thuringiensis : Bt genetically modified organisms : GMOs risk assessment biosafety

Fernandez, Eduardo C.


10695 Escape of pest resistance transgenes to agricultural weeds: relevant facets of weed ecology. pest resistance agroecosystems weed ecology hybridization introgression

Jordan, Nicholas


11073 Ethical and religious issues relating to biotechnology. biotechnology food safety genetically modified organisms : GMOs risk assessment allergenicity DNA technology intellectual property rights : IPR biosafety biotech

11465 Ethics and agricultural biotechnology biotechnology agricultural ethics production processing agricultural products gm foods environment social equity human health biodiversity economic growth biotech pocket k

11475 Ethics of bioinformatics: a convergence between bioethics and computer ethics. biotechnology computer ethics academic discipline history bioinformatics bioethics

Soraj Hongladarom

biotech asian biotechnology and development review

11006 EU genetically modified rice. genetically modified rice biotechnology beta carotene vitamin A Rockefeller Foundation genetically modified organisms : GMOs technology transfer biotech business world