List of Biotech materials : 812

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
11355 Flavored virgin coconut oil : Is it still virgin?. industrial enzymes virgin coconut oil : vco Bureau of Food and Drugs : BFAD biotechnology National Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology : BIOTECH Splash Pharmaceutical Co. coconut oil extraction refined, bleached and deodorized : RBD coconut industry Theraherb nutritional value biotech biolife: a bi-monthly magazine on biotechnology

11154 Fluoride: the wonder nutrient : reprinted from Food Insight, Jan/|Feb 1997. cavity oral health caries fluoride epidemiology fluorosis biotech

11140 Folic acid : Powerful tool against birth defects. folic acid neural tube spina bifida anencephaly methionine amino acid biotech reprinted from food insight, jul/aug 1995

11155 Food allergy myths and realities: reprinted from Food Insight, Nov/Dec 1997. food allergy immune system placebo sulfite anaphylaxis biotech

11010 Food and energy. biotechnology poverty agricultural research food production

Baylon, Gloria Jane

biotech philippine post

10949 Food biotechnology : A communications guide to improving understanding food biotechnology guidelines nutrition food safety biotechnology biotech

10993 Food biotechnology : an introduction biotechnology genetics food production food safety plant breeding pest resistance herbicide tolerance nitrogen fixation Agrobacterium genetically modified

Madden, Dean


10803 Food biotechnology : European and North American regulatory approaches and public acceptance - a traveling workshop. (Summary Report for policy-makers). biotechnology transgenic crops agri-biotech policy issues biosafety

Zanten, Jasper E. van; Krattiger, A.F.; Hautea, Randy A.

biotech isaaa briefs no. 18

10987 Food biotechnology : Science and farming working hand-in-hand. Science and farming working hand-in-hand. biotechnology environmental management food production agriculture genetics deoxyribonucleic acid : DNA herbicide gene pesticide insecticide biotech afic review paper

11128 Food for thought II. food and health food safety food and nutrition biotech