List of Biotech materials : 812

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
11411 Gawad galing: pushing frontiers of scientific inquiry. gawad galing Jose Burgos, Jr. biotechnology scientific inquiry environment agriculture journalism science journalism information dissemination media Biotechnology Media and Advocacy Resource Center biotech biolife: a bi-monthly magazine on biotechnology

11467 Gene switching and gurts: what, how and why? biodiversity biotechnology genetic use restriction technologies : GURTs indigenous people genes integrated pest management biosafety risk assessment gene switching genetically modified organisms : GMO biotech pocket k

10765 General principles of risk assessment and risk management for the effective and safe use of GMOs, particularly modified plants. biotechnology risk management biosafety cartagena protocol genetic engineering genetically modified organisms transgenic organisms risk assessment

Mohamad bin Osman


10830 Generic questions and answers on risk assessment for the preparation and review of field trial applications of transgenic papayas in Southeast Asia. Carica papaya L. transgenic papayas biotechnology genetically modified organisms DNA ampicillin resistance Agrobacterium tumefaciens Escherichia coli biotech isaaa briefs no. 11

10900 Genetic diversity of coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) forms grown in Sri Lanka in comparison with exotic populations detected by ISTR DNA marker technology genetic diversity coconut DNA technology genomic variations Sri Lanka

Fernando, W.M.U.


11025 Genetic engineering : A milestone in biotechnology. A milestone in biotechnology. biotechnology genetic engineering deoxyribonucleic acid : DNA food production transgenic animals gene mapping

Arabia, Ivy C.

biotech greenfields

11464 Genetic engineering and GM crops. genetic engineering biotechnology genetically modified crops deoxyribonucleic acid : DNA recombinant DNA technology Agrobacterium tumefaciens transgenic crop production backcross breeding biotech pocket k

11071 Genetic engineering of plants for pest/disease resistance and quality traits. biotechnology genetic engineering gene technology DNA technology biodiversity transgenic crops tissue culture Bacillus thuringiensis : Bt

Tecson-Mendoza, Evelyn Mae


11451 Genetic makeover para sa Philippine carabao. clonal embryos biotechnology buffalo somatic cell nuclear transfer enucleated oocytes super buffalo surrogate dame carabaos Dulbeco modified eagles medium : DMEM genetically improved carabaos biotech greenfields magazine

11023 Genetic research leads to vaccine breakthroughs. genetics salmonella

Radford, Tim

biotech manila bulletin