List of Biotech materials : 812

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
10800 Global status of commercialized transgenic crops: 1999. transgenic crops biotechnology global market sustainable agriculture

James, Clive

biotech isaaa briefs no. 12: preview

11047 Global status of GM crops biotechnology genetically modified crops statistics transgenic crops biotech

10797 Global status of transgenic crops in 1997. transgenic crops biotechnology

James, Clive

biotech isaaa briefs no. 5

11162 Glutamate and monosdium glutamate: examining the myths. glutamate monosodium glutamate : MSG food additives food intolerances hypersentivity food allergy asthma hydrolyzed proteins biotech ific review

11163 Glutamate by any other name is...glutamate: reprinted from Food Insight, Winter 1996. glutamate monosodium glutamate : MSG amino acid biotech

10962 GM crops and the environment genetically modified : GM pesticides herbicide tolerance insect resistance biotechnology Bacillus thuringiensis : Bt biodiversity risk assessment biotech pocket k

10809 GM rice : Will this lead the way for global acceptance of GM crop technology?. Will this lead the way for global acceptance of GM crop technology?. biotechnology transgenic crops food security intellectual property rights rice production

Brookes, Graham; Barfoot, Peter

biotech isaaa briefs no. 28

10979 GMOs around the world. genetically modified : GM biotechnology animal feed Bacillus thuringiensis : Bt soyaben transgenic plant cotton pesticides biotech organic matters

11318 Government agriculturists at the helm of GMO testing. corn MON810 biotechnology bt corn Bacillus thuringiensis GMOs modern biotechnology DNA genetic contamination corn borer food security feed safety polymerase chain reaction : PCR International Seed Testing Association Bureau of Plant Industry : BPI Fertilizer and Pesticides Authority (FPA) USA Monsanto Bureau of Agriculture and Fisheries Product Standards Bureau of Animal Industry : BAI

Paredes, Joel C.

biotech biolife: a quarterly magazine on biotechnology

11043 Government told to review biotech guidelines. biotechnology genetically modified organisms : GMO genetic engineering National Committee on Biosafety of the Philippines : NCBP guidelines ASEAN BIOTECH biotech business world