List of Biotech materials : 812

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
11376 Making farming profitable : Occidental Mindoro opens its door to biotechnology. Occidental Mindoro rice production food security National Food Authority (NFA) modern biotechnology Bt corn biosafety agricultural products high-value crops poverty alleviation food and nutrition livelihood evil product environment human health genetically modified organisms : GMOs BIONet Mindoro "Bangus" biodiversity

Mayuga, Jonathan L.

biotech biolife: a bi-monthly magazine on biotechnology

11239 Managers and leadership, the challenges ahead : Synthesis of lessons from the course. biotechnology genetic engineering human resources biodiversity information resources genetic resources intellectual property public-private collaboration biosafety

Cohen, Joel I.


10922 Managing agricultural biotechnology : Addressing research program needs and policy implications biotechnology human nutrition genetically modified organisms food security biodiversity technology transfer intellectual property rights biosafety food production herbicides biotech biotechnology in agriculture series, no. 23

10930 Managing bioprospecting and biotechnology for conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity. biotechnology conservation sustainable biodiversity National Biodiversity Institute87 : INBio information management intellectual property rights technology transfer macropolicies

Sittenfield, Ana

biotech biotechnology in agriculture series, no. 23

11233 Managing bioprospecting and biotechnology for conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity. biotechnology biodiversity bioprospecting conservation capacity building intellectual property rights information management

Sittenfeld, Ana


11200 Managing biotechnology in a time of transition. biotechnology biosafety genetically modified organisms : GMOs technology transfer intellectual property rights biodiversity policy

Cohen, Joel I.


10928 Managing biotechnology in AARD, Indonesia : Priorities, funding, and implementation. agricultural biotechnology food security research priority setting Indonesia human nutrition national agricultural development AARD

Sugiono Moeljopawiro

biotech biotechnology in agriculture series, no. 23

10931 Managing genetic resources and biotechnology at IRRI's rice genebank. biotechnology conservation genebank IRRI isozyme electrophoresis genetic diversity rayada basmati Oryza sativa Oryza glumaepatula

Jackson, Michael

biotech biotechnology in agriculture series, no. 23

11234 Managing genetic resources and biotechnology at IRRI's rice genebank. biotechnology biodiversity plant genetics genebank IRRI

Jackson, Michael T.


10942 Managing intellectual property in Embrapa : A question of policy and a change of heart. agricultural research intellectual property rights : IPR biotechnology capacity building policies Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation : EMBRAPA Brazil

Sampaio, Maria Jose Amstalden; Brito da Cunha, Elza A.B.

biotech biotechnology in agriculture series, no. 23