ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
11376 | Making farming profitable : Occidental Mindoro opens its door to biotechnology. | Occidental Mindoro rice production food security National Food Authority (NFA) modern biotechnology Bt corn biosafety agricultural products high-value crops poverty alleviation food and nutrition livelihood evil product environment human health genetically modified organisms : GMOs BIONet Mindoro "Bangus" biodiversity | Mayuga, Jonathan L. |
biotech | biolife: a bi-monthly magazine on biotechnology |
11239 | Managers and leadership, the challenges ahead : Synthesis of lessons from the course. | biotechnology genetic engineering human resources biodiversity information resources genetic resources intellectual property public-private collaboration biosafety | Cohen, Joel I. |
biotech |
10922 | Managing agricultural biotechnology : Addressing research program needs and policy implications | biotechnology human nutrition genetically modified organisms food security biodiversity technology transfer intellectual property rights biosafety food production herbicides | biotech | biotechnology in agriculture series, no. 23 |
10930 | Managing bioprospecting and biotechnology for conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity. | biotechnology conservation sustainable biodiversity National Biodiversity Institute87 : INBio information management intellectual property rights technology transfer macropolicies | Sittenfield, Ana |
biotech | biotechnology in agriculture series, no. 23 |
11233 | Managing bioprospecting and biotechnology for conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity. | biotechnology biodiversity bioprospecting conservation capacity building intellectual property rights information management | Sittenfeld, Ana |
biotech |
11200 | Managing biotechnology in a time of transition. | biotechnology biosafety genetically modified organisms : GMOs technology transfer intellectual property rights biodiversity policy | Cohen, Joel I. |
biotech |
10928 | Managing biotechnology in AARD, Indonesia : Priorities, funding, and implementation. | agricultural biotechnology food security research priority setting Indonesia human nutrition national agricultural development AARD | Sugiono Moeljopawiro |
biotech | biotechnology in agriculture series, no. 23 |
10931 | Managing genetic resources and biotechnology at IRRI's rice genebank. | biotechnology conservation genebank IRRI isozyme electrophoresis genetic diversity rayada basmati Oryza sativa Oryza glumaepatula | Jackson, Michael |
biotech | biotechnology in agriculture series, no. 23 |
11234 | Managing genetic resources and biotechnology at IRRI's rice genebank. | biotechnology biodiversity plant genetics genebank IRRI | Jackson, Michael T. |
biotech |
10942 | Managing intellectual property in Embrapa : A question of policy and a change of heart. | agricultural research intellectual property rights : IPR biotechnology capacity building policies Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation : EMBRAPA Brazil | Sampaio, Maria Jose Amstalden; Brito da Cunha, Elza A.B. |
biotech | biotechnology in agriculture series, no. 23 |