List of Serials : 8432

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
7089 Meet two trailblazers in organic banana production from Tarlac. banana production income investment

Samonte, Pete

serials agriculture magazine

7601 Meiotic behavior in microsporocytes of some bananas in Thailand. bananas, genome, chromosome, meiotic behavior, microsporocytes,

Therdsak Thonnalak

serials the kasetsart journal

5443 Meralco does its share in reforestation. reforestation, serials the philippine agriculture magazine

9125 Mercury exposure and risk among women of childbearing age in Madre de Dios, Peru. mercury, childbearing, gold mining, methylmercury,

Gonzalez, David J.X.

serials tropical resources

8593 Merging indigenous practice and CPAR ensures improved productivity for Abra fisherfolk. fisher folk, indigenous knowledge,

Dela Cruz, Rita

serials agriculture magazine

16028 Meso-level analysis on rice-farmers' adaptive measures for slow onset hazard: The case of saltwater intrusion in the Philippines and Vietnam saltwater intrusion; adaptation measures; farmers; Philippines; Vietnam

Almaden, Catherine Roween C.; Thanh Tung Diep; Rola, Agnes C.; Baconguis, Rowena DT.; Pulhin, Juan M.; Camacho, Jose V. Jr.; Ancog, Rico C.

serials searca agriculture and development notes 2019 9-2

3705 Meso-scale transboundary units for the management of coral reefs in the South China Sea area. reef connectivity, genetics, reef species, genetic structuring,

Ablan, M.C.A.

serials naga, worldfish center quarterly

5653 Mestiza buffalos for milk production. buffalo milk yield

Pablico, Sosimo M.

serials agriculture magazine

5005 Meta-diphenols reduction in melanin biosynthesis: a comparison with emodin-chrysapanol transformation melanin biosynthesis, meta-diphenols reduction, keto tautomers, reductase, Verticillium dahliae, purification,

M.K.B. Weerasooriya

serials philippine journal of science

9157 Metabolic rate characteristics and sediment cleaning potential of the tropical sea cucumber Holothuria scabra. aquaculture, ammonium excretion, feces, oxygen consumption, sediment, shrimp aquaculture,

Masashi Kodama

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)