List of Serials : 8432

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
4474 Micropropagation of cavendish banana in Taiwan. banana, micropropagation, somaclonal variation, cultivars, acclimatization, suckers, virus indexing, tissue culture,

Lee, S.W.

serials fftc technical bulletin 163

3914 Micropropagation of coconut from epicotyl tissues : A histological study. A histological study. Coconut, clonal propagation, callogenesis, somatic embryogenesis, epicotyl, histology,

Rillo, E.P.

serials the philippine journal of coconut studies

3669 Micropropagation of Kluai Khai (Musa acuminata 'Klaui Khai) using sword suckers and inflorescences at various development stages. banana, micropropagation, sword sucker, inflorescence,

Benchamas Silayoi

serials the kasetsart journal

3674 Microstructural changes in instant noodles during production via triple staining and confocal laser scanning microscopy & scanning electron microscop. instant noodle, microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, laser scanning,

Lalana Chewangkul

serials the kasetsart journal

6934 Microwave effect on the gelatinized conditions on tapioca and glutinous rice starches. starch gelatinized starch glutinous rice tapioca microwave

Woatthichai Narkrugsa

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

5022 MIGIS: Using GIS to produce community-based maps to promote collaborative natural resource management. Community based planning, GIS, indigenous knowledge, scientific information, maps,

McConchie, Jack A.

serials asean biodiversity

8802 Migration outflow and remittance patterns in Indonesia: National as well as subnational perspective. migration, remittance patterns,

Palmira Permata Bachtiar

serials philippine journal of development

14913 Migratory pattern of the spotted seat (Scatophagus argus) in the mangrove estuary of Matang Mangrove Forest Reserve, Malaysia, estimated stable isotope analysis stable carbon/nitrogen isotopic ratios; mangrove estuary; fish nursery ground; migration

Morioka, Shinsuke; Tanaka, Katsuhisa; Yurimoto, Tatsuya; Kassim, Faizul M.; Okamura, Kazumaro

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

4333 Milkfish and prawn culture increases cooperative's income. milkfish, tiger prawn, cooperatives, harvest, income, market,

Bugtay, L.P.

serials agriculture

7959 Milking-tine tests in conventional and quarter individual milking systems. vaccum, quarter-individual milking, milking-time test, b- and d-phase,

Meierhofer, Sandra R.

serials landbauforschung vti agricukture and forestry research