ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
6336 | Mindanao seaweed exports increase, yet production drops. | seaweed production export | serials | agriculture magazine |
8394 | Mindanao's banana industry in big trouble?. | banana, plantains, fusarium wilt, | Tacio, Henrylito D. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
9032 | Minimising post-hardening in palm oil/sunflower oil soft margarine formulation by optimising processing conditions. | margarine, palm oil, crystallization, | Miskandar Mat Sahri |
serials | journal of oil palm research |
16076 | Minimizing arsenic in fruits and vegetables in Cambodia | fruits; vegetables; arsenic; policy brief | Uy, Davin; Hak, Sok Chea |
serials | searca policy brief series 2009-6 |
13548 | Minimizing parasitic infestation in ruminants during wet season | parasitic infestation; adoption; herd management; pasture management; herbal plants; deworming | serials | agriculture magazine |
8226 | Mining of biowealth through use of clean and green technologies. | black gold, green gold, grey, | DaSilva, Edgar J. |
serials | asian biotechnology and development review |
7524 | Miotic Karyotypes of Four Species of Fruit Flies (Bactrocera) in Thailand. | mitotic chromosome, heterochromatin, fruit fly, bactrocera, | Nattaya Hunwattanakul |
serials | the kasetsart journal : natural science |
5627 | Misamis Oriental ARCs adopt organic hybrid rice production. | hybrid rice land preparation seedling preparation transplanting seedbed preparation pest management disease management weed control | Alboria, Carmencita |
serials | agriculture magazine |
7061 | Misconceptioms about influenza A (H1N1). | influenza A H1N1 respiratory disease fever | Sison, Jaime Abella |
serials | agriculture magazine |
8142 | Misconceptions about density of decimals: Insights from Indonesian pre-service teachers. | decimals, pre-service teachers, misconceptions, density, | Widjaja, Wanty |
serials | journal of science and mathematics education in southeast asia |