Quantity :1

Title: Science and innovations for food systems transformation

Author : von Braun, Joachim; Afsana, Kaosar; Fresco, Louise O.; Hassan, Mohamed Hag Ali (Eds.)


food system; hunger; healthy diets; resilience; equity; gender equality; women's empowerment; small farms; diversification; food crises; indigenous people; sustainable food production; agroecology; plant nutrition; livestock; blue foods; food system innovations; digital technologies; rural transformation; pest risk; water; climate change; crop diversity; food loss and waste; resource management; costs; investment; finance; trade; role of science; technology; innovation; regional perspective; governance; pandemic; transformation

Material : purch

Publisher : Springer

Publication Date : 2023

Internet Resource: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-15703-5



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SEARCA Library


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ISBN number: 978-3-031-15705-9


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