Quantity :1

Title: Philippine Agriculture 2020: A Strategy for Poverty Reduction, Food Security, Competitiveness, Sustainability, and Justice and Peace.

Philippine Agriculture (PA) 2020 is a medium term strategic plan for the agriculture and natural resources sector articulated by scientists, farmers, entrepreneurs, non-government workers, people in the bureaucracy and other stakeholders in a series of consultations and workshops convened by the National Academy of Science and Technology (NAST). The plan envisions a sector that shall have a major role in reducing poverty, achieving food security, global competitiveness, sustainability and justice and peace. It looks forward ten years hence to a vision of robust and vibrant agricultural and natural resources production systems and ecosystems services that improve and sustain well being in the Philippines.


agriculture natural resources stakeholders poverty reduction food security sustainability

Material : cd

Publisher : National Academy of Science and Technology.

Publication Date : 2006


Phil - 2006

SEARCA Library


Tags (cd)


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