
  Title: Philippine Agriculture 2020: A Strategy for Poverty Reduction, Food Security, Competitiveness, Sustainability, and Justice and Peace.


agriculture natural resources stakeholders poverty reduction food security sustainability

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Phil - 2006

SEARCA Library


National Academy of Science and Technology.


Taguig, Metro Manila, Philippines; :

Philippine Agriculture (PA) 2020 is a medium term strategic plan for the agriculture and natural resources sector articulated by scientists, farmers, entrepreneurs, non-government workers, people in the bureaucracy and other stakeholders in a series of consultations and workshops convened by the National Academy of Science and Technology (NAST). The plan envisions a sector that shall have a major role in reducing poverty, achieving food security, global competitiveness, sustainability and justice and peace. It looks forward ten years hence to a vision of robust and vibrant agricultural and natural resources production systems and ecosystems services that improve and sustain well being in the Philippines.

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