
  Title: Rent creation and distribution from the first three years of planting Bt cotton.


biotechnology Bt cotton

Tags (biotech)

Author/s: Falck-Zepeda, Jose Benjamin, Jose Benjamin; Traxler, G; Nelson, R.G.





SEARCA Library


ISAAA Briefs No. 14

International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-biotech Applications (ISAAA),


Ithaca, New York :

Results for the three-year analysis have been fairly consistent. Farmers share the rents created by the technology alomost equally with innovators, even when a monopolistic structure for the input market is assumed. Improving the realiability of these results requires modeling rents using an ex ante framework whre risk is considered in the analysis. The naive estimations presented here and other papers need to be formalized into a model that introduces the characteristics discussed earlier. There is a need to validate results from surveys whose intention is to measure cost and yield benefits or losses due to technology. This is the only way that we can assure that measurements of the benefits and losses of the technology are measured accurately. Finally, there is an urgent need to quantify the benefits of decreased pesticide releases into the environment. These benefits may be significant and are not currently included in the framework presented here.

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