biosafety capacity building genetically modified organisms food processing ASEAN DNA technology intellectual propertyTags (biotech)
Author/s: Bhumiratana, Sakarindr
SEARCA Library
United Nations Industrial Development Organization,
June 2002
Recommendations: The countries, Brunei, Cambodia, Lao PDR and Myanmar which have not yet initiated any policy on biosafety, should give highest priority to establish such policies. As for Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam, the adoption of biosafety into law should be set as the first priority and then a clear-cut plan of implementation should also be established. The policy on national biosafety legal framework is vitally important and, most if not all ASEAN members do not have laws or lack legam mechanisms to support the protocol. ASEAN need to focus on capacity building to fully implement biosafety policy. The legal expert must be competent enough to translate protocol into law. As a strategy for consumer protection, it must develop the capacity to conduct risk assessment, risk management and field trials. Many ASEAN countries also do not have the capacity to develop biosafety clearing house mechanisms. ASEAN should quickly develop coordination amongst governments on biosafety, the capacity for data management and information sharing and strengthen the research network system. Notably absent is any policy and regulations on GMO-related industrial practice which can be of paramount importance to the food industrial sector in such areas as flavors and starter cultures. ASEAN should work together and develop expertise to strengthen capacity in the following areas: 1) policy and decision-making process; 2) developing legal framework for biosafety; 3) training in and implementing risk assessment; 4) development on data management and information sharing; 5) upgrade technology and preparedness to implement a biosafety regulatory framework; 6) developing biosafety clearing house mechanisms which should facilitate cooperation amongst ASEAN
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