
  Title: Managing agricultural biotechnology : Addressing research program needs and policy implications


biotechnology human nutrition genetically modified organisms food security biodiversity technology transfer intellectual property rights biosafety food production herbicides

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SEARCA Library


Biotechnology in agriculture series, no. 23

CABI Publishing in association with ISNAR,


Oxford, U.K :

The goal of this book is to provide agricultural research managers and directors with information that will help them achieve more effective management of agricultural research programs involving biotechnology. Effective management is defined here as the judicious use of means and resources, which together help achieve a strategy for agricultural biotechnology research. The information will enable managers to: a) think strategically about priorities and research programs, and the management implications inherent in them; b) address concerns regarding environmental responsibility, including biosafety and public acceptance; c) better manage human, biological genetic, and information resources, which serve to integrate biotechnology with agricultural research; d) strengthen their understanding and management of various forms of intellectual property protection and international technology transfer. The book targets individuals with responsibilities for managing research programs, organizations, or institutions where agricultural biotechnology research and policy analysis is assuming increased importance. Within each section, most chapters identify challenges, expectations, and responsibilities that confront managers, and provide the author's first-hand experiences in addressing these matters. Their experiences are then analyzed in relation to one of the themes of the book in order to, where possible, provide supportive decision-making tools and recommendations for managers. The individual chapters were synthesized and reviewed during a meeting at ISNAR of authors, external reviewers,a nd experts in the application of agricultural biotechnology. The meeting focused on the lessons learned for each topic.

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