
  Title: International collaboration : Intellectual property management and partner-country perspectives.


technology transfer intellectual property rights : IPR biotechnology policies USAID Agricultural Biotechnology for Sustainable Productivity : ABSP biosafety genetically engineered crops capacity building

Tags (biotech)

Author/s: Ives, Catherine L.; Maredita, Karim M.; Erbisch, Frederic H.





SEARCA Library


Biotechnology in agriculture series, no. 23

CABI Publishing; ISNAR,


Oxford, U.K :

Abstract: Managing intellectual property in the context of international development presents many complex decisions regarding research. This chapter discusses three key intellectual property management challenges arising from collaborative research projects implemented through the Agricultural Biotechnology for Sustainable Productivity (ABSP) project, supported by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The project managers and collaborating scientists are faced with specific challenges regarding intellectual property. For each of these challenges, details are provided on how the collaborating institutions developed an approach to managing intellectual property within the legal framework of the USA and in conjunction with a range of scientific partnerships.

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