
  Title: Seminar workshop on biosafety frameworks and implementation : Report.


biotechnology biosafety risks assessment risk management policies Philippines National Committee on Biosafety of the Philippines : NCBP genetically modified organisms : GMOs agrobacterium genetic engineering

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SEARCA Library


February 2002

This seminar workshop was conducted as one of the major activities of the DA Biotech Program in building the capacity of Philippine regulators related to the importation, use and release of modern biotechnology products. It discussed the principle and application of risk assessment and risk management and provided a practical exercise on the review and evaluation of documents submitted by prospective applicants. Forty representatives from various regulating agencies participated in the seminar workshop. The Philippines' Biosafety Guidelines and the Draft Administrative Order on the rules and regulations on the importation and release into the environment of plant and plant products derived from the use of modern biotechnology were discussed on the first part of the workshop. Mr. Drs. Piet van der Meer from the Netherlands Government handled the workshop proper where the participants were introduced in the methodology of risk assessment through a "hands on" examination of 3 dossiers based on food and environmental safety. This activity was the first in a series of workshops to be conducted by the organizers related to regulators' capability enhancement. A need for a follow up in-depth training on the process evaluation of the safety of biotech products was identified.

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