
  Title: Position of the American Dietetic Association : Fat replacers.


reduced fat products obesity calories low-fat foods fat replacers fat-free foods

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Reprinted from Journal of the American Dietetic Association, v. 98(4), Apr 1998

IFIC Foundation.

Washington, D.C :

Safe and effective use of products containing fat replacers should be facilitated through efforts to improve consumer understanding of labeling information, the importance of food preparation practices, portion size and eating frequency control, and the relationship between energy expenditure and total energy balance. This will permit determination of a sensible level of fat replacement for a person in the context of his or her total diet. Use by small children, especially those under 2 years of age, may not be compatible with their high energy needs. Because moderation of fat consumption may be achieved through selection of low-fat, high- (preferably complex) carbohydrate foods, there is no lower or optimal level of recommended use. Scientific evidence addressing upper limits is lacking, although there are reports that attempts to achieve extreme reductions in fat and energy intake through the use of fat replacers will likely lead to strong compensatory behaviors that compromise attainment of dietary aims (29,53). Further at high levels of consumption, these product6s may pose a risk for depletion of fat-soluble nutrients and gastric distress (28,29). The best guideline for persons who choose to use fat replacers is that they be incorporated as one component of a total diet that meets current dietary guidelines at a concentration that is well tolerated.

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