
  Title: WTO/SPS on genetically modified foods.


biotechnology genetically modified organisms : GMOs biosafety food security gene transfer transgenic crops allergenicity

Tags (biotech)

Author/s: Pakdee Pothisiri





SEARCA Library


March 1999

Conclusion: Review of the current situation and trend in the application of genetic technology, particularly, concerning GMOs, GMFs and food safety clearly indicate the need for a country concern to urgently develop comprehensive national strategy and adequate regulatory framework which covers various aspects of safety of human and environment as well as trade facilitation. To begin with, a country may initiate a comprehensive review of the existing international norms of relevant organizations such as WTO, UNEP, UNIDO, etc. and international standard setting bodies relating to this matter, and also regulatory measures of certain countries with advanced experiences. Concurrently, it may also consider establishing or strengthening internal coordination among agencies, institutes and authorities concerned with an aim of pooling resources and streamlining efforts. The emphasis should be focusing on the formulation of national strategy and adequate regulatory framework and developing short and medium term master plan which incorporated among others major activities such as to promote R&D, strengthening national capacity for technology transfer, information exchange and networks and also risk analysis. Active participation in the works of relevant international standard setting bodies is also encouraged. Finally, under the WTO Agreement on SPS/TBT members are bound to issue any SPS/TBT measures base on scientific justification with the application of risk assessment in establishing the appropriate level of protection. At the same time it should be transparent (notification requirement) and should not be maintained without scientific evidence. More importantly, the measures should not be applied in a manner which would constitute a means of arbitrary or unjustifiable discrimination.

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