Author/s: Kryder, R. David; Kowalski, Stanley P.; Krattiger, Anatole F.
SEARCA Library
ISAAA Briefs no. 20
Ithaca, New York :
Conclusions: Regardless of which option discussed in this paper or which scenario is chosen, there are a series of tasks that should be completed in order to adequately manage the IP/TP. These are: 1) Complete and regularly update the present FTO analysis, preferably on a country-by-country basis; 2) develop a scientific strategic plan (who manages, what is to be done, which biotech and germplasm components are to be used, where is the research to be done, who is to do the research, what are the timeliness for completion) for finalizing the current scientific initiative; 3) draft and negotiate a strategic plan for distribution (who manages, what must be licensed, list of licensors/licensees, acceptable terms, timeliness) of the finished product(s); 4) complete a cost/benefit analysis for the preferred options. It will be for developing countries, which wish to benefit from Golden Rice and for the organizations whose mandate is to assist these countries to make choices on the best options to follow. The dominating consideration must be the impact of Golden Roce on the health and well being of rice producing and consuming populations. These and related factors will condition the speed and configuration of the eventual broad release of Golden Rice. National Agricultural Research Services, once they obtain access to Golden Rice, may still wish to conduct their own FTO review in order to confirm which IP issues and TP issues are covered in their country. This is particularly true if the recipient foresees an export market for its Golden Rice. Additionally, any country to which they export their Golden Rice will likely present a different IP/TP landscape.
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