
  Title: International seminar on biotechnology for sustainable agriculture : State of the art of research and product commercialization.


biotechnology biosafety genetic agrobacterium

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SEARCA Library



Compilation of abstracts: Screening of anticancer and antifungal substances from marine sponges and gorgonians; Growth and survival rates of giant clams larvae are influenced by the origin of zooxanthellae; Wheat microspore embyogenesis: cytological and ultrastructural features; Evaluation of the immunocontraceptive potential of deglycosylated peptides of bZP3 and its immunogenicity; Identification of rapd markers linked to cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) resistance gene(s) in (Capsicum annuum; Genetic relationship of quality protein of maize and downy mildew resistance lines based simple sequence repeats (SSR) marker; Rapd linkage maps for oil palm using first generation of backcross; Infertility detection by Y chromosome deletion of infertile men with azoospermia and oligoasthenoteratozoospermia (oat); Effectiveness of repeat cycling-in vitro selection to produce peanut germplasm that tolerant to drought stress and resistant to root/stem rot disease, Sclerotium rolfsii; Introduction of Pterocarpus indicus in gold mining reclamation areas; Transformation of aromatic Indonesian rice cv. rojolele and upland rice Irat 112 with anti fungal genes for blast; Transgenic rojolele rice containing cryIB-cryIAa gene provide better resistance against yellow stem borer (Scirpophaga incertulas); The assay of vectors and transformation methods VIA Agrobacterium tumefaciens for indica rice; Genetic diversity analysis and allele mining across a wide range of Indonesian rice germplasm; Screening and identification of shading-related genes in the young leaves of several soybean genotypes using differential display; Somatic embryogenesis formation from immature male flower of banana cv. nangka; Transient expression of introduced marker genes in Agrobacterium co-cultivated teak explants; A simple method for rescue of genetic material from animals that unexpectedly die; Fertilization of oocytes following intracytoplasmic injection of sperm heads isolated from freeze-dried spermatozoa in the rat; Plantlet regeneration via induction of multiple shoot formation from shoot tip explants in hybrid cabbage; Somatic embryogenesis of some mango cultivars (Mangifera indica L.) grown in Indonesia; New oligosaccharides synthesis by glucosidase; Evaluation of gossypol production in hairy root culture of Gossypium hirsutum L. CV kanesis 7 transformed by Agrobacterium rhizogenes; Inducing genetic variability of black pepper (Piper nigrum L.) by irradiation; Glass house evaluation of vanilla somaclones (Vanilla planifolia Andrews) resistance to stem rot disease (Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. vanilla) and its morphological characters; Effect of a carbuncular mycorrhiza inoculation to the growth of Vanilla planifolia Andrews; In vitro selection of hybrids and somaclones to vanilla stem rot disease; Preparation and determination hyperimunserum of isolat visceral larvae boxcar vitulorum (TVL2) as by immunotherapy; Defense responses of agarwood shoot culture to Acremonium spp. on different growth medium concentrations; The genetic variation of Indonesians cattle (Bos sondaicus) based on 16 microsatellites loci; An attempt to improve the synchrony of prostaglanding-induced oestrus in dairy cattle by terminating the growth of the dominant follicle; The use of prostaglandin F2 intra ovary for oestrus synchronization in dairy cattle; Test of biopotency of anti-androstenedione or anti-pregnant mare serum gonadotropin and its combination for the induction of ovulation and the number of zygote in mice; Genetic variations of cassava (Manihot esculenta) revealed by rapd markers; The pureness effect of soybean cultivar using mass selection and isoensym analysis; Somatic embryogenesis of Lithospermum erythrorhizon siebb et zucc.; The effects of growth pH on survival Sinorhizobium medicae WSM 419 in acid soils; Bio surfactant properties of extracellar pink pigent produced by freshwater cyanobacterium Oscillatoria sp.; Changes in surface structure during indirect somatic embryogenesis in garlic (Allium sativum) CV. Lumbu hijau observed by scanning electron microscopy; Different response among genotypes in in vitro induction of somatic embryos from peanut (Arachis hypogaea) leaflets and plantlet regeneration; Effectiveness of repeat cycling-in vitro selection to obtain drought tolerant and stem rot disease Sclerotium Rolfsii resistant peanut lines; Proline accumulation as a response to drought stress and the possibility of manipulating its accumulation by genetics engineering to obtain drought tolerance transgenic peanut lines; In vitro selection of peanut somatic embryos (SE) on media containing toxic metabolites of Sclerotium rolfsii Sacc. and peanut plant regeneration from toxin insensitive...

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