
  Title: The planning process in Monorom Agricultural Cooperative Limited (MACL), Monorom district, Chainat province, Thailand.


rural development planning process Chainat province Thailand

Tags (theses)

Author/s: Preecha Wongsgulgeard




T - RuDM 2

SEARCA Library


University of the Philippines Los Banos,

March 1990

Los Banos, Laguna, the Philippines :

The study found out that planning process in the MACL is useful for any agricultural cooperatives, projects and programs in rural development. Other agricultural cooperatives can learn from MACL that: 1) having clear-cut objectives paves the way for achievement and recognition and reduces the uncertainty and anxiety concerning how one is likely to be judged by superiors using standards known to all; 2) effective plans can only be prepared by equally effective and qualified people, thus, highly qualified BOD and MAS must be selected through popular voting; 3) help and support from the government can be both advantageous and disadvantageous wherein, once the agricultural cooperative reached a certain point of maturity, the government should release some controls over projects, programs, and organizations; 4) different types of plans should be prepared supportive of each other for better implementation; and 5) planning should involve all persons concerned in projects, programs and organizations, especially those affecting them.

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