
  Title: Dynamics of community organizing in two community forestry project in Region 2.


community organizing forestry Philippines

Tags (theses)

Author/s: Dizon, Josefina T.




D - CoDe 24

SEARCA Library


University of the Philippines Los Baños,

January 1997

Los Baños, Laguna, the Philippines :

The study was conducted among 110 CFP participants in Region 1, 72 in Bitag Grande, Baggao, Cagayan and 38 in Kadikitan, Landingan, Nagtipunan, Quirino, from December 1995 until March 1996. The objectives were to: 1) document, analyze, and make a comparative analysis of the processes of community organizing in two community forestry projects, 2) identify the variables that influence the empowerment of people's organization, and 3) assess the relationship of the characteristics of member, community organizers in effecting empowerment of people's organization. Retrospective process analysis was used to capture the context and process of community organizing undertaken in the CFP sites. Data were collected through a combination of individual survey, focused group interviews, direct observation, and review of secondary data sources such as monthly, quarterly, annual accomplishment reports of the assisting organizations and minutes of meetings of the POs. Descriptive statistics such as mean, frequencies, percentages, and ranges were used to analyze the independent and dependent variables while Spearman correlation and phi coefficient analyses were done to determine the association of members, community, and COs' characteristics with the measures of empowerment such as decision making, local resource management, linkage, participation and overall empowerment. The significant independent variables were then subjected to multiple regression analysis to identify the major determinants of overall empowerment and its measures. Majority of the respondents perceived a moderate level of empowerment of their POs. Significant factors affecting empowerment measures and overall empowerment varied in the two CFP sites. Based on the results, leadership style, membership in organization, form of communication, and CO's attitude towards the community were the significant factors affecting decision-making in Bitag Grande. No variable was significantly related to decision-making in Kadikitan.

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