
  Title: Beef cattle raising and its contribution to farmers productivity in the Sitiung transmigration area, West Sumatera, Indonesia


animal science transmigration area farmers West Sumatera Indonesia

Tags (theses)

Author/s: Asdi Agustar




T - AnSc 33

SEARCA Library


University of the Philippines Los Baños,

February 1991

Los Baños, Laguna, the Philippines :

The study was conducted in the Transmigration Area Sitiung I, West Sumatera, Indonesia. It aimed to: determine the socio-demographic and socioeconomic characteristics of the transmigrant; determine the beef cattle management and feeding practices as well as the contribution of beef cattle to the farmers income; identify the problems affecting the implementation of the beef cattle component of the transmigration program and suggest possible solutions; and recommend action plans to improve the livestock component of the transmigration program. Findings showed that majority (77 percent) of the farmer-respondents were middle-aged (29 - 49 years old). They belonged to households with at least two members. All farmer-respondents had the same size of landholding (1.25 ha). Farming was their main source of livelihood (74.32 percent total income). Most of the farmers had experienced in beef cattle raising. Sharing system was the most popular as source of financing of beef cattle raisers. Grazing was the method of feeding during part of the day and giving additional grass. Agricultural by-products were not commonly used as feeds to cattle And the majority of the farmers were completely dependent on cattle power in all farming activities. Based on simple linear correlation analysis, there was evidence that raising beef cattle and farmers' income were positively associated. Beef cattle raising contributed only 13.4 percent of the farmers' gross income, but beef cattle production cannot be seperated from the farming activities. It was the source of draft power, organic fertilizer, and savings. The traditional system of beef cattle raising and other farm activities are still practiced by the farmers such that low crop yields and poor animal performance affected their livelihood. Off-farm activities were another source of the farmers' livelihood. However, this did not affect the activities in cattle raising because there was excess family labor for care and management of animals.

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