
  Title: The relationship of anatomical features to the permeability of Kaatoan Bangkal (Anthocephalus chinensis Rich Ex Walp)


wood science and technology Kaatoan Bangkal Anthocephalus chinensis trees

Tags (theses)

Author/s: Elyazar Manuhuwa




D - WoSc 4

SEARCA Library


University of the Philippines Los Banos,

October 1995

Los Banos, Laguna, Philippines :

Samples from five Kaatoan Bangkal (Anthocephalus chinensis Rich Ex Walp) trees were collected from the Makiling Experimental and Demostration Forest at Los Ba¤os, Laguna, the Philippines. Disk samples of 10 cm thickness were cut from each tree at 5, 25, 45, and 65 percent of the total height from the ground for measurement of specific gravity, fiber dimensions, vessel dimensions and frequency, gas permeability, and extractive content. Results showed that the average specific gravity of Kaatoan Bangkal wood was 0.31, with a range from 0.2 to 0.5. Extractive content, with an average of 2.18 percent, was considered low. Vessel diameter was intermediate to large (0.14 to 0.29 mm), and was visible to the naked eye. The solitary vessel was oval (about 0.21 to 2.21 mm (superscript 2). The vessel length averaged 0.774 mm, ranging from 0.478 to 0.99 mm. The vessles had simple perforation plates. Parenchyma was apotracheal diffused with cells arranged arranged in vertical groups of one's or two's. Rays up to four-cells wide are heterogenous multiseriates with numerous marginal rows of square to upright cells. Vessel-ray pits were of the intervascular type. Fibers were not stored, averaging 1.56 mm in length and 0.04 mm in diameter. The fiber lumen width averaged 0.03 mm while fiber wall thickness was 5.5 microns on the average. Findings also revealed that the frequency of double and solitary pores were correlated with permeability but the effect was minimal. Extractive substances accounted for a small percentage of the variation in the permeability in Kaatoan Bangkal, and the removal of extractives slightly increased permeability values. Permeability before extractions was 6.30 Darcys at the middle and 7.12 Darcys at the outer part of the bole. Fiber dimensions and specific gravity were not correlated with both permeability and extractive content. The permeability increased with increased distance from the pith while extractive content decreased.

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