The general objectives of this study were to identify and analyze the key sustainability indicators of the Hanunuo Mangyan indigenous agroforestry systems and assess the extent of sustainability. The methodologies used to attain the objectives include: 1) setting up of erosion plots and erosion bar; 2) interview of key informants; 3) soil physical and chemical analyses; and 4) literature review. Results of the study showed that the Hanunuo Mangyans maintained three (3) agroforestry system, viz, swidden/kaingin farming which was being practiced by all the interviewees. Swidden/kaingin farms were generally cropped with rice (Oryza sativa) or rice + corn (Zea mays) and later on mixed with other crops like banana (Musa sapientum), ube (Dioscorea hispida), cassava (Manihot utilissima), and kadois (Cajanus cajan) which were randomly planted in the farm. They can thus be considered as multiple cropping system. The farmers adapted a 1 to 3 year fallow period depending on their need/use of the land the availability of seed for planting. The basic food/needs of the Hanunuo Mangyan were produced in the kaingin farm.