
  Title: People's participation in the management of integrated rural development:


development management governance people participation integrated rural development UNDP SEILA Programme Cambodia

Tags (theses)

Author/s: Kim Vothana




T - DeMa 6

SEARCA Library


University of the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB),

October 1998

College, Laguna, Philippines :

This study was conducted in 25 villages of Lvea and Don Keo commune, Siem Reap province which is located along the National Highway number 6. It lies approximately 315 kilometers northwest of Phnom Penh City and 25 kilometers northwest of Siem Reap town. Data were gathered through an interview schedule from May 24 to July 29, 1998. The interview schedule was composed of two parts: part 1 consists of the information on socioeconomic-demographic and psychological characteristics of the people in the project area and covers the information on external factors (project factors) which concern people's participation, and part II tackles some general questions about participation.

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