
  Title: Correlates of continuance of family planning methods in a project compassion area.


community development family planning

Tags (theses)

Author/s: Diokno, Gloria R.




D - CoDe 2

SEARCA Library


University of the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB),

March 1978

College, Laguna, Philippines :

The study sought mainly to identify some of the factors affecting the continuance of family planning methods among husbands, to determine the relationship of these factors to the continuance of family planning methods, to pinpoint the factors significantly contribute to the continued use of family planning methods, and to find out the problems met by the continuers of family planning methods. The variables investigated consisted of five socio-cultural factors, six situational factors and three communication factors, or a total of 14 variables. Data were gathered through interviews with 447 husbands of continuers in Bauan, Batangas. Perason’s product-moment correlation coefficient and multiple regressions were used to analyze the relationships. Results showed that six of the 14 factors appeared to be significant correlates of family planning, namely; education, religion, level of living, family planning exercise, medical effects, and media availability and use. The best predictors of continuance of family planning methods were found to be media availability and use, medical effects, level of living, source of information and family planning experience. In other words, continuance could be increased by .02, .08, .01, .05, and .03 units if unit increases were made in each of these variables, respectively. Overall, these variables could account for 50% of the total variation found in this study, leaving the other 50% still to be accounted for. The findings also revealed that of seven main problems encountered by the continuers, the behavior or attitude of the family planning clinic staff was the most frequently reported. On the other hand, distance from residence to clinic and consultation days and hours of the clinic were the two least mentioned problems.

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